LED DC-DC drivers from MEAN WELL


The development of LED lighting and the emergence of new forms of luminaires encourages manufacturers of LED power supplies to produce new series of power supplies and drivers, as well as update existing series in accordance with market requirements. One of the dynamically developing types are LED DC-DC drivers designed for embedding in LED lamps of various shapes.

As a leading brand in the field of power supplies, MEAN WELL offers a wide range of series of LED DC-DC drivers for various application conditions. Our product range includes the most popular series and models of converters.

For the convenience of selecting LED DC-DC drivers, you can use the classifier of these series below.

Body Type of converterStabilization mode Series
PlasticStep-upC.C. (current)LDH-25/45/65LDH-25/45/65
Step-down (Step-down)C.C. (current)NLDDNLDD
Step-down-boost (boost-boost)C.C. (current)LDBLDB

For more detailed technical specifications of DC-DC LED drivers, see the Specifications on the product page. For advice or clarification of information on MEAN WELL power supplies, you can contact us by e-mail Meanwell@chipdip.ru .