Portable oscilloscopes with XIBO XBO2102S and XBO242S oscillator


In stock "CHIP and DIP" new products from XIBO, portable oscilloscopes with built-in multimeter and oscillator: XBO2102S and XBO242S.


Main Features

  • 3.5" display with high resolution and contrast
  • The lithium-ion battery provides 3 to 6 hours of continuous operation
  • USB Type C interface supports Power bank and PC connection
  • Self-calibration function
  • SCPI support

Basic parameters


  • Bandwidth: 40MHz (XBO242S) / 100MHz (XBO2102S)
  • Number of channels: 2
  • Sampling rate: 250MSa/s (XBO242S) / 500MSa/s (XBO2102S)
  • Recording length: 8K
  • The frequency of updating the waveform: 10 000wfrms/s
  • Vertical resolution: 8bit
  • Automatic measurement: frequency, period, amplitude, maximum, minimum, average, PK-PK


  • Maximum resolution: 20,000 counts
  • Measurement of: voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, diodes
  • Input impedance: up to 10MOhm
  • Maximum input voltage: 750V AC, 1000V DC
  • Maximum input current:10A (for DC and AC)
  • 0-2V diode

The generator

  • Frequency output:
    Sine - 0.1Hz - 25MHz
    Square - 0.1Hz - 5MHz
    Ramp - 0.1Hz - 1MHz
    Pulse - 0.1Hz - 5MHz
    Arbitrary - 0.1Hz - 5MHz
  • Sampling rate: 125MSa/s
  • Number of channels:1
  • Wavelength: 8K
  • Vertical resolution: 14bit
  • Output resistance: 50Ohm

Examples of some functions of oscilloscopes in graphical form:
Peak Detect function and high resolution of 10,000 wfrms/s

 Funkciya Peak Detectvysokoe razreshenie 10 000 wfrms/s

6 automatically measured parameters can be displayed simultaneously on the screen.

6 avtomaticheski izmeryaemyx parametra mogut byt' otobrazheny odnovremenno na ekrane

Supports measuring the voltage difference between cursors and the time difference between them.

Podderzhivaet izmerenie raznicy napryazheniya mezhdu kursorami i raznicy vremeni mezhdu nimi

The save function allows you to record 4 settings, 4 reference waveforms, 4 waveform images and 4 CSV files with waveforms.

Funkciya soxraneniya

The generator supports 8 built-in special waveforms.

Generator podderzhivaet 8 vstroennyx special'nyx form signalaGenerator podderzhivaet 8 vstroennyx special'nyx form signala